Taiwan will release more frequency spectrum for 5G future

Apr 03, 2018

According to Taiwan's media, to catch up global 5G and IoT step, "2016 Taipei 5G/IoT Summit" is opening in Taiwan.
In the conference, relative Taiwan department is contacting NCC. It is expected to release more frequency spectrum.
"In the future, we will combine industrial, governmental, academic and developing power, to finish leading international 5G commercial system constructing in 2020. We will have 5G core technology layout then. Before that, we will have the infrastructure constructed, and develop innovative applications based on IoT, helping ICT industry's transfer in Taiwan region. This is conformed to government's 'Asian Silicon Valley' strategy," relative department says.
At the same time, mobile data is main power of communication industry's development. And frequency spectrum plays really important role in future 5G network development.
Considering the astonishing growth of data use in the future, government is discussing with NCC. More frequency spectrum is expected to be released. Relative laws will be made.
It is known that Taiwan region will release 5G frequency spectrum as early as 2019. But previously, 5 Taiwan operators have started to build 5G labs or trial network on 3rd quarter. When asked about what frequency spectrum can be used, relative department suggests that the existed 4G frequency is technical neutral and can be used. As for future released 5G frequency, it's tend to be 34-36GHz and 28GHz.