2Q16 global OTT/Cloud server¡¯s expenditure reaches 17 billi

Apr 03, 2018

The latest statistic from Ovum shows that although 2Q16 global telecommunication service income reduced 1%, communication providers including ICP and CNP income increased 1% to 700 billion dollars.
In aspect of rolling quarters, up to 2Q16, global communication providers’ income stopped decreasing as the fixed network CSP and ICP income increased. Industry CAPEX/Revenues maintained 14.7%.
In another way, global telecommunication CAPEX performed dully with some bright points.
Up to 2Q16, OTT/Cloud servers capital expenditure increased 11% on year-on-year basis to 17 billion dollars. And communication providers CAPEX increased 2% on year-on-year basis to 416 billion dollars, among which ICP CAPEX yearly increased 6% driven by Facebook and Microsoft.
At the present stage, there are 7 ICP/OTT participants among top 25 network constructers. Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon are the best ones.